You have a unique set of gifts and talents. Bless your grandkids by actively putting those to use and create your personal version of Impactful Grandparenting.
Be patient with yourself. And don’t get frustrated if your efforts aren’t Facebook-post perfect. It’s not about achieving perfection. It’s about authentic connection.
I’m here to coach and cheer you on along the way.
To make the impact you want, you need to be intentional and planful. Rely on my Action Plans for a full day of fun. Or, go rogue and create your own plans! No one knows your grandchildren better.
There are two ways I organize special days with my grands:
Grammy Day: This is more of a play day, primarily for the preschool-aged grands. But sometimes big kids just want to play too.
Cousin/Kid Camp: This is an intentional and planned time of learning, connecting, playing and activities, primarily for ages 5 to 12+/-. If you have older grandkids, ask them to be a Camp Counselor. They’ll have fun and feel valued. If you just have one grandchild, invite their friends or simply pass over the activities that require additional campers.